but now i want to murder someone...
i hate her so much...who does she thinks she is???
boleyh plak dy admit kat atev yg aq ni kawan dy??and guess what??dy pernah ckp kat iyfa that dy boikot aq..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...lawak siotx...F.Y.I...aq x ingin nk kawan ngn dorunk...
these are for you people that so perasan yg aq nk kawan ngn ko... ni yg aq nk ckp kat korunk.. WOI!!! KORUNK X SETARAF DNGN AQ LA...KORUNK X PAYAH LA SUSAH2 NK BOIKOT AQ..CZ since da first time aq msk to diz skool...aq x nk join ngn orng mcm korunk ni....
i want u dead!!!! (N.S)~thats her name for short....dah la hitam...bajet cun plak...i hope u die cz a dog bite ur head off!!!!!!!!!!!!