Juz like in the picture... it says''Because The World Is Better Off Without You''
OK,that's BULLSHIT!!!!
let say if its about love...
a guy dump a girl cz he fell in love with a new girl...
ppuan tu will get depressed...
and attempt to committed suicide...
cube tgk erk...lau ppuan tu bunuh diri...dy dah rugi cz that guy will never come back for her,tu pun kalau dah M.I.A and lau dy bunuh diri,her family will moaning of her death...and guess what??
that guy live happily ever after ngn da new gal..dy pulak??? dah mampos dah!!!!! nk cari dy??? google search la..type ''LUBANG KUBUR''...confirm jumpe...x ke bodoh pergi bunuh diri...lau dy face da fact..and move on...she'll find somebody who's even better then her ex ...So, org yg bunuh diri ni...BODOH TAHAP BATU KARANG R....
fikir r!!!